Sunday, September 19, 2010

Responce to Hyponatremia Article

As an athlete I know a great deal about hydration and the rules you must follow along with it. However, there is such  thing as "over hydration and yes it can lead to death. Hyponatremia is caused when an individual consumes so much water that the kidneys cannot control its flow and becomes waterlogged. from there, the water is spread throughout the body causing body cells to swell. If swelling occurs in the brain, there is no room for expansion and can cause brain damage and even death. I was personally a little disturbed with this article because people in many parts of the world are dying of thirst or lack of clean water and here in the United States there are many cases of hyponatremia every year. I find that hyponatremia can only occur as an act of gluttony and overuse.
Recently in our class we have participated in a mock City meeting regarding liver transplants. We were each given an alternate identity and we were instructed to write a letter to our fake city explaining why we deserved the organ. Mine is as follows.

Dear City Counsel of Creblakistaniville,
As you know the city has been given the blessing of a liver that will be used for one of the selected qualifiers as determined by the council.  I am writing this letter to you in an upmost plea for the city’s help in my wife’s current medical condition. As you know the city is only in possession of one liver and can only go to one individual and my intent is to persuade you give my wife the liver for the following reasons. My wife and I have lived in Creblakistaniville for most of our lives and in that amount f time we have done quite well for ourselves. However, we firmly believe in giving back to the community that has been so god to us, by giving large amounts of charity to non-profit groups, volunteering for many public services and, of the most important signs of our admiration for the town, the payment of the new children’s wing of the hospital that was recently added. I love this town and I know that my wife loves this town in equal proportions as myself and we will do our finest to make it better.
The fact of the matter is that my wife is in dire need of a liver transplant due to complications with her diabetes and will be subject to death within the next two to five months if the transplant. I do not have to educate you on my wife’s character for she sits on two of the chairs in the city council and is actively involved in both of them. I know that she would gladly let another kind soul have the transplant but I cannot allow that to happen. I love my wife and would do anything for her. I know that some of the other individuals who are also seeking this transplant have made very poor decisions in their lives that have lead to them growing ill and in need of medical help. I implore you to allow my wife to live and in return my wife and I will do everything we can to help the city and the beautiful people who reside in it. God bless you in your decision.
Cooper A. Stowers

Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Me

Hello. My name is Cooper and I am a sophomore at Animas High School in Durango, Colorado. I am in my second year of high school which also happens to be how long the school has been open as well. What I will be posting from here on out will  be blogs about my school work and my progression as a student. I hope you enjoy it!