Sunday, September 19, 2010

Responce to Hyponatremia Article

As an athlete I know a great deal about hydration and the rules you must follow along with it. However, there is such  thing as "over hydration and yes it can lead to death. Hyponatremia is caused when an individual consumes so much water that the kidneys cannot control its flow and becomes waterlogged. from there, the water is spread throughout the body causing body cells to swell. If swelling occurs in the brain, there is no room for expansion and can cause brain damage and even death. I was personally a little disturbed with this article because people in many parts of the world are dying of thirst or lack of clean water and here in the United States there are many cases of hyponatremia every year. I find that hyponatremia can only occur as an act of gluttony and overuse.

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