Sunday, October 3, 2010

Responce to Animal Testing Article

At the Alamagoro Primate Facility in New Mexico, older primates who've been subjected to invasive research for diseases might be in danger of being sent back to research labs as a part of a new legislature made by Congress.
I personally find the chimpanzees have already been retired should not be subjected to research regarding diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV.  I find that if they've already done their service to the medical research than they should no longer be required, against their own will of course, to be tested when other subjects can be used if not treated all. I think that the real solution here is to find a different means of testing of possible drugs upon any animal. Firstly if the animal is in danger of death or serious bodily injury, I find that testing should not be required because it violates animals right to safety and in animals right to life.  Secondly, if the animal has previously been subjected to medical testing, I believe that it is already served its purpose and should be left alone to live in peace.  Lastly, but the animal contains more sensitive nervous systems or higher life signs such as chimpanzees or ddolphins than the animal should be regarded as too important to spare it should be left alone.  I believe that this will put an end to many of the disturbances that have been involved with the medical testing on animals.

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